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Still Spirits

Still Spirits Distiller's Yeast

Still Spirits Distiller's Yeast

Regular price $ 9.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 9.99 USD
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    Each type comes in a 72 gram packet.
    • Rum
      • An Osmophilic Saccharomyces Cerevisiae strain especially suited to 50:50 blend of molasses and sucrose fermentations to 15%ABV. Contains complete nutrition for rapid fermentation. Producing full, rich fruity aromatics, it also includes amyloglucosidase enzyme for breaking longer-chain sugars for optimum yield
    • Vodka
      • A high yield Vodka Strain with extraordinarily low metabolite production ideal for use with sugar, grain or potato feedstock in Vodka or other white spirit production. Provides complete nutrition for easy fermentation of low-nutrition ashes together with amyloglucosidase enzyme or Dextrin conversion.
    • Whisky
      • A pure culture Whisky Strain of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae used widely in commercial whisky, with robust and authentic aromatics even in high-alcohol fermentations. Includes the advantage of complete nutrition and amyloglucosidase. This enables both complete dextrin conversion of malt or grain for maximum yield as well as rapid fermentation to 15% ABV which is very high for standard whisky “low beers”.





    Vodka: 9421004736367


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